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Tagged as best of craigslist, etc, PAY ME IN CHEESE There’s a list of 5 things I found while browsing on Abilene Craigslist. Which of these items is your favorite? There’s a list of 5 things I found while browsing on Abilene Craigslist. Which of these items is your favorite? View our inventory of slot machines In this feature, we take a look at the "best" Northfield ads on craigslist. Used Slot Machine Sales 1-800-342-6737EMAIL: View our inventory of slot machines There’s a list of 5 things I found while browsing on Abilene Craigslist. Which of these items is your favorite? You have to admit, there’s something to be said for this conversation piece. And, according to the post description, it’s a children's toy. Hey, they’re never too young to prepare for a career as a professional gambler, right? Here's what the owner posted: "SLOT USES TOKENS TO PLAY SO GREAT AROUND THE KIDS. (THEY WON’T TAKE YOU MONEY). THIS ONE IS THE DINGO THEME AND HAS A MONITOR BUILT INTO THE BELLY TO USE WITH THE GAME BOY TYPE CONTROLS TO IT’S LEFT AND SOME FUN LITTLE GUN FIGHTS AND BAR SCENES ETC. TRADE FOR WHAT EVER AS I JUST DON’T USE IT NOW THAT MY DAUGHTER IS GONE AND IT GOT MOVED TO THE GARAGE."